We Define Success!

     We Define Success!

GREAT LIFE 4 YOU Holdings Corporation defines success and happiness through niche service and product opportunities for you to have a GREAT LIFE!

The mission of GREAT LIFE 4 YOU Holdings Corporation (GL4YH) is to exceed client expectations by focusing on making goals, forming plans, and realizing effective outcomes.

  • AskDrCarr® is an online educational service that researches and explains current medical, psychological, and success topics with a focus on health and mental fitness for FMP U.S. Veterans. The VA is a strong proponent of mindfulness, even supporting comprehensive cellphone applications that help the huge veteran population with PTSD.

The research mission of AskDrCarr® is to guide the international, U.S.  Veteran to understand how to apply Health, Mind, and Spirit to achieve a life of success and joy.

  • The IvyLeagueWorks™ niche-focused online division is our premier consulting service.

IvyLeagueWorks™ gives targeted clients the highest doctorate-level standard by delivering distinct consulting, writing and translating services.

  • Ivy League Consulting™ seeks to support our FMP U.S. veterans with the most important need beyond saying, “thank you for your service.”

1. Service-Connected Disability medical coding, including
2. Itemization of provider (or prescription) services (claim reimbursements)

Ivy League Consulting™is a team of Ivy League-educated, medical veteran consultants, dedicated to a medical coding and FMP “itemization memo” service that helps solve only FMP reimbursement issues for international U.S. veterans.

Solutions to FMP reimbursement issues are limited to specific “itemization memo” editing and VA/NDC medical coding for better FMP acceptance of the mandated, international U.S. Veteran’“itemization of provider (or prescription) services” memo prior to the client assembling and emailing the four (4) item (minimum) submission to FMP for reimbursement.

  • Ivy League Writing™ is dedicated to supporting international, U.S. veterans as they process their own claims or appeals with the VA by preparing diagnosis-associated medical literature reviews of medical standards literature.

Ivy League Writing™ page to review what the veteran must have prepared in advance to seek our services.


  • Ivy League Translators™ meets a growing demand for certified translator (CT) services by focusing on the niche group that needs it most: professional and commercial organizations.

Professional organizations in the Spanish-speaking community have discovered they need ONLINE, certified Spanish-English translator (CT) services before their English-speaking businesses and governments will complete many transactions. 

Often, government invoices are received in Spanish and shipped out immediately to third-party agents for translation. We resolve the 90+ days delay before reimbursement processing begins and the client is paid fast.

Commercial organizations in the Spanish-speaking community have also discovered they need ONLINE, certified English-Spanish translator (CT) services before their English-speaking clients will complete many transactions. This limited service has attracted international FMP U.S. veterans to Commercial organizations that advertise using our service.

Time is money.

Contact Ivy League Translators™  today to start your ONLINE certified translator (CT) service for your professional or commercial organization.

  • GMT4Life (Great Life Logistics™ ) is also part of the IvyLeagueWorks™ division and offers a logistics service with the primary mission to mentor international U.S. FMP Veterans and approved international clients in the Western Hemisphere minimizing many governmental stumbling blocks to overseas retirement home building, often permitting the client to return to her or his nation of origin to complete other issues.

The most frequently requested logistical need comes from English-speaking expatriates who purchase land once overseas.

Most have begun to purchase land or begin building and find the process far exceeds expectations.

  • Global Mentoring Team includes FREE  online “how-to” tools, like filing reimbursement claims, all reserved for FMP U.S. veterans as a way to say, “thank you for your service.”  

The mission of Global Mentoring Team is to empower personal independence of internationally-located FMP U.S. veterans, and reinforce the central mission of GREAT LIFE 4 YOU Holdings Corporation, “We Define Success!

Take advantage of one of these services from GREAT LIFE 4 YOU Holdings Corporation NOW!

New opportunities are posted on Facebook, and Twitter!

P.S. GREAT LIFE 4 YOU Holdings Corporation’s desire is to help YOU realize your goals.

Let us help you discover a more successful and Great Life, today!

We SEE YOUR SUCCESSclick here to see why! 


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